Today's deal:
$40 Food & Beverage Voucher at La Zeppa

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Sophia Fiossetti commented over 6 years ago. I have paid for my grab one voucher, and have not received it yet. How long does it take?
Melinda Hatton commented over 6 years ago. Hi Sophia, could you please give our helpdesk a call on 0800 4722 663 or email us the details to so we can sort this for you.
Sophia Fiossetti commented over 6 years ago. I have paid for my grab one deal and have not receiced my voucher, how long does it take?
Emma from GrabOne commented over 6 years ago. I can see that voucher has now been used Sophia - hope you had a great time :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.