Today's deal:
$339 for Two Flying Lessons Towards Private Pilots Licence & Club Membership, $399 for Three Flying Lessons or $949 for Six (value up to $1,400)

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Wayne Barton commented over 7 years ago. Hi.
What times and days of the week are lessons available at Rangiora and West Melton. Do we have to have taken the first lesson before the 30 June or just booked it by then. Can you book one lesson at a time with a gap in between as long as you have booked the first lesson by the 30 June. Thanks
Emma from GrabOne commented over 7 years ago. Hey Wayne,
Just to confirm that the first lesson must be used by the expiry date of 30 June. I am not sure on the other questions so I have contacted the merchant for you now.

They should be online later this morning to help you :)
Richard from Canterbury Aero Club commented over 7 years ago. Hi Wayne,
Thanks for your question.
Rangiora is available on Fridays and Sundays.
West Melton is open 7 days a week, both 8 am - 5 pm. West Melton is very busy during the weekdays, so I recommend the weekends for a far more relaxed environment.
Bookings are essential
Yes as long as the first lesson is used before the expiry then you can take a break before completing the rest of the flights. The shorter the gap between flights, the faster your progression will be and the more fun you will have.

CAC Instructors.

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