Today's deal:
$11 for One Bumper Boat Ride & Two Games of Minigolf (value $19)

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Eriko Saeki commented over 8 years ago. We bought 2 of these vouchers and have received them by email from grabone, however we cannot open them and see the option to print. We bought other vouchers at the same time and have been able to print them. when we try to open the bumper boat vouchers it gives a message 'Poo we have encountered a web server problem', This has happened for a couple of days. can you please advise how to resolve this problem asap as we want to use them soon during the kids' school holidays. we have never had a problem with the grabone vouchers that we have bought previously
Melinda van Meygaarden commented over 8 years ago. Hi Eriko, sorry about that! A technical glitch at our end. I have fixed this for you now, and you should be able to download your coupon.

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.