Today's deal:
One Full Body Spray Tan Session - Option for 10 Full Body Tan Sessions

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Janette Empson commented 2 months ago. Hi there. Is there an expirey for using the 10?
John from GrabOne commented about 1 month ago. Hi Janet, thanks for your discussion board post! Upon checking, this is valid only until January 31, 2025, and must be used in one visit by one person. It is valid for the option stipulated on the coupon only. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you!
Lynme Fremch commented about 1 month ago. Hi Lynne From Unique - we need the course of ten to be started prior to the expiry once started we will allow 1 tan per week, up to Christmas and then complete after our closure dates
Lynme Fremch commented about 1 month ago. Hope this help otherwise cal the clinic on 07 8566056
John from GrabOne commented about 1 month ago. Thanks team!
Lynme Fremch commented about 1 month ago. Your welcome
John from GrabOne commented about 1 month ago. :)

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.