Today's deal:
$39 for a 2kg Box of Fresh Central Otago Cherries – Pre-Christmas & Post-Christmas Delivery Options Available incl. Delivery

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Jane Clark commented over 9 years ago. If I order cherries to be delivered on the 11 Jan, or thereabouts, what variety of cherry will it be?
Francia Tolson commented over 9 years ago. Hi Jane,

You can see the merchants T&C's about which cherries are available here:

The Cherry variety available around that date will be 'Lappins'.
kevin LIAO commented over 9 years ago. I just put an order. Why doesn't it ask for delivery address?!?! I am so confused
Francia Tolson commented over 9 years ago. Hi Ken,

For pre-Christmas delivery on Tuesday 22nd, order must be made by 10.00am on Dec 21st. For pre-Christmas delivery on Wednesday 23rd December, order must be made by 10.00am Dec 22nd.
Grace Chan commented over 9 years ago. Hi there,
Just wondering if delivery on this Sunday, 20th Dec is possible?


Francia Tolson commented over 9 years ago. Hi Grace,

Delivery is available from December 22 onwards.

Michael Zhu commented over 9 years ago. Hi I just purchased one voucher for 2Kg pre-xmas delivery. How do I redeem the voucher please? I have looked at the vendor's website but couldn't find where to redeem. Please advise Thanks. Michael
Michael Zhu commented over 9 years ago. Sorry I have just worked out how to redeem the voucher. Thanks anyway. Michael
The Team from Mr Henry Cherries commented over 9 years ago. @Kevin Please visit to redeem your voucher
Juneea Robinson Silbery commented over 9 years ago. Hi there,

Just wondering if it's possible to change date and address for delivery?
Francia Tolson commented over 9 years ago. Hi Juneea,
Please contact them directly to see if they assist
Have a great day!

The discussion for this deal is closed. Please contact the helpdesk for any urgent enquiries.